

The lower register could be.

The upper register could be.

Imposed over these horizontal registers is the vertical register of the four corner columns to the whole 120'0" (33M) - long Gallery roof. This design was developed from Gardiner's Egyptian Hieroglyph No. V36. He describes how two of these 'receptacles', pronounced "hnty", mean "the two limits of Eternity". They are tied with a linen band which brings to mind the fact that the eternal casing of the Mummies was a shroud of linen. The blue, five petalled, flowers of flax are overprinted onto the tenoned head of a columnar shaft. This sash also tied the battlemented towers that guard the passages through the underworld which the boat of the sun must pass when it travels under the ground each night. So the sides of the 'receptacle' are also inscribed with waves. This narrative of the passing beyond the limits and returning again recalls the history of the "light in the rock", or the "sun at night", which is the limit state that is then recovered. This 'submarine sun' narrative is also figured in the topmost (of the sixth and seventh floor) under-figures.

One A3 'block' One of the A3 'blocks' of 'Video-masonry, showing the delightfully complex and free composition that each panel 'cookie-cuts' out an iconically legible composition. There are 3,200 of these panels in the Judge interior. Can 'Fine Art' even begin to offer anthing so glorioius, yet so modest?


JUDGE INSTITUTE: "Column Designs".