THE GROUND AND FIRST FLOOR: "ENDLAND" SERIESThe lower register could be Indra's cosmogenetic Spear of Energy as a shower of photons 'hitting' the primordial 'soup' and making cells containing two chromosome bands, or it could be spermatozoa invading cells or it could be Apollo's hundred fiery arrows cutting-up the Python, so unleashing History by releasing the Kosmos from the grip of Infinity.. The upper register could be the two serpents of the Egyptian cosmogenesis coupling in the 'Nun', the primordial 'Ocean'. Or it could be the twin helices of DNA. Or it could be the Khumba, as a 'serpent of stars', coiled about the Ocean, out of which is emerging the submarine mountain, in the form of a 'volcano' made of fire and ashes, after it was 'energised' by Indra. Imposed over these horizontal registers is the vertical register One of the A3 'blocks' of 'Video-masonry, showing the delightfully complex and free composition that each panel 'cookie-cuts' out an iconically legible composition. There are 3,200 of these panels in the Judge interior. Can 'Fine Art' even begin to offer anthing so glorioius, yet so modest?
JUDGE INSTITUTE: "Column Designs". |