juapocloudsubtleTypical A3 video-Masonry Blocks JuapocloudsA3JuApocloudsA3block


The lower register could be

The upper register could be

Imposed over these horizontal registers is the vertical register of the entry columns. This is derived from the oldest 'architectural' column, those in Catal Huyuk. These were made from two bull's horns fixed to a stumpy pilaster of mud. The colour of the horns is 'bull's blood', the colour of sacrifice. The horns are given the 'feathery scales' of wings, so that they are also 'winged bulls'. They are fixed to a column, in this case rendered as a cube, the figure of the earth. This cube is contra-rotated so as to both rotate the figure and help it to 'fly'. As with contra-rotation does in propellors, this stabilises flight!.

One A3 'block' One of the A3 'blocks' of 'Video-masonry, showing the delightfully complex and free composition that each panel 'cookie-cuts' out an iconically legible composition. There are 3,200 of these panels in the Judge interior. Can 'Fine Art' even begin to offer anthing so glorioius, yet so modest?


JUDGE INSTITUTE: "Column Designs".